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Monday, November 11, 2013

Neighborhood Rose

OOTD 11/10/2013

I'm getting a little more comfortable being dressed up on a day-to-day basis, even though I don't have the proverbial "places to go and people to see". I'm at home most of the time, so it can feel a bit pointless to put on a pretty dress and makeup. (Although I didn't actually wear makeup today.) But who better to dress up for than myself, right? Now, if I only I could figure out how to look cute and be as comfortable as I am in pajamas... That's everyone's dream. One day we'll all get there.

OOTD 11/10/2013

It felt right to take pictures of this outfit in front of a white picket fence. I'm also somehow reminded of the musical Guys and Dolls, but that might just be because my mom and I have been talking about watching it lately.

OOTD 11/10/2013 OOTD 11/10/2013 OOTD 11/10/2013 OOTD 11/10/2013

The wind kept blowing my hair into my face, so I pushed it back. Take that, wind!

OOTD 11/10/2013


  1. I love how you wore two completely different patterns and made it look awesome!

  2. I am in love with your eclectic combinations!

  3. Oh I love that musical! It's been forever since I've seen it. I love the pattern mixing here and the colors! You look lovely :-)

  4. I love you and your consistently awesome color and print mixing <3 This is gorgeous!

    - Anna


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